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As turnover rates continue to rise and the global talent shortage reaches unprecedented levels, learning is mission-critical to organizational success. Well-designed learning experiences help retain and develop talent, close the future-skills gap, and keep you competitive in your market. With stakes that high, shouldn’t a culture of learning be top priority for organizations that want to grow their people and ensure future success?

In this webinar, we’ll share how to make strategic design a priority in L&D. Design is the foundation of great learning, but historically, it hasn’t been prioritized in L&D. That’s in part because learning design is often equated with content delivery or minimized as simply how something looks. But the strategic, visual, and instructional design of any learning experience directly impacts its effectiveness. Simply put, learning works best when beautifully designed—in fact, it’s one of our core Learning Principles that shapes every experience we create.

Join Zach DeYoung, Partner & Head of Design at Maestro for over a decade, to unpack learning’s poor reputation for design quality and explore actionable ways to turn the tide to make strategic design a priority for your organization. This session will inspire your belief in the power of good design and provide a clear roadmap for getting there.

What you’ll learn

  • The true definition of design and what makes design great
  • The state of design in L&D today and why it’s so critical to get it right
  • Three actionable strategies to make design a priority in your organization