
Learners have come to expect consumer-grade design in all areas of their lives, and the more we invest in the design of learning, the more learners will reciprocate with their time and attention. But there are multiple dimensions to good design, and it’s about far more than simply making something “look good.”


Form follows function. Without understanding the function or intention of the learning solution, we’re merely decorating, not designing. It’s essential to invest time and energy into understanding users and use cases before designing a solution.

Design influences behavior. The aesthetic-usability effect is the proven idea that aesthetically pleasing designs create a subconscious positive response and lead users to believe the product actually works better. Therefore, consumer-grade design in learning solutions is a must.

Humans respond to stories. Bringing the neurobiology of storytelling into the design process makes learning more memorable and helps bridge the gap between formal learning and reality.

Visual language is just as important as written language. Visuals ranging from simple iconography to high-impact motion graphics to film can often communicate emotion, story, or instruction more effectively than written words.

Learning experiences should reflect the brands they represent. Every experience within a company’s ecosystem should be thoughtfully designed to support and promote the perception of the brand.