How do you integrate reflection moments?
Maestro believes learning should meet people where they are. Including the reflection step in your learning allows learners to talk through their experiences and feel like they are a part of the learning process. Watch this Q&A for how we include reflection in our learning experiences.
Interested in learning more?
Watch the full webinar on our 4 key learning principles here and start using them to push your learning experiences.
Want to create more reflection opportunities in your eLearning?
Learn how you can do that and more in Articulate Rise with Mighty. Mighty is a powerful little Chrome extension that provides you with intuitive, no-code tools to enhance your Rise courses with ease. Mighty gives you the creative control and flexibility you always dreamed of, while maintaining the ease of use you love in Rise. Ready to discover what Mighty can do for you? Learn more and try Mighty for free when you sign up for a 30-day trial!