How to Choose What App Development Is Right for You

Ever got to work, started on a task, and thought, “Darn, it would be nice to have an app for this,” but you’re not sure where to get started? On one hand, the flexibility of an app sounds amazing. But on the other, you don’t have a complete understanding of what mobile app development means, what technology is required, or how hard or easy it might be to create and support.

A lack of device standards (BYOD), minimal IT support, antiquated systems, or budget constraints can too often lead to the words, “We’re not ready for app development.” But don’t let that stop you. There are many different types of apps out there—and it’s just a matter of choosing what works best for your budget and business.

Let’s take a look at three types of apps, the pros and cons of each, and one important alternative worth considering. And ask yourself this critical question: Do I need a mobile app? Or an app? (Yup, there’s a difference.)

What is a native app?

Ever downloaded an app from the App Store? Then you’ve just downloaded a native application. Native mobile app development builds apps to work on a specific platform, such as iOS or Android. Native apps are great because they can be customized to your exact needs and specifications—and integrated directly with your device’s hardware.

For example, the native app can integrate with your calendar, notifications, smartwatch, or even other apps. Well-built native apps create seamless experiences with very little lag and little-to-no compatibility issues. If you want an app that’s highly customized and visually demanding (a game, for example), then going native is probably a smart decision.

But what about cost and compatibility? 

Many native mobile app developers argue that going native is cheaper in the long run. It can be more intensive to maintain a JavaScript bridge and rewrite all native-like behavior as a non-native solution, then to simply build a native mobile app. And today’s technology makes compatibility concerns pretty much obsolete. React Native, NativeScript, Flutter, Xamarian, and Capacitor are technology stacks that work smoothly across both the iOS and Android platforms.

In other words, it can be more effective to build a native app than to build a non-native app that acts native.

Pros of native apps

  • Integrates directly with your device’s hardware
  • Faster and smoother visual and animation performance
  • Build what you want—no limitations
  • Built-in security
  • Usually works offline

Cons of native apps

  • Multiple updates and app versions to keep consistent
  • The code is specific and can’t be reused outside of the compatible platforms
  • Requires app store approval

How to Increase Your App's Success with User Feedback

All about web apps

If your content changes often and you need a wide reach across multiple platforms (like iOS and Android), web apps are an alternative to native. A web-based app functions like a mobile app, but you access it through your web browser rather than downloading the app. Essentially, it’s like getting on Safari and typing in rather than downloading and opening the Facebook app. 

Web apps work for large groups of people with diverse platforms and devices. They don’t have the same customizability of native apps, but they do have greater flexibility.

google drive web app image

Pros of web apps

  • Simple to develop for multiple platforms
  • Easy to distribute—functionality and resources live on a web server, making updates instantaneous and immediately available to users
  • Reach both mobile and desktop audiences at the same time
  • In some cases, you can access device-specific features with HTML5 APIs

Cons of web apps

  • Compatibility problems between browsers
  • Some security concerns
  • Limited functionality for offline use
  • Animations and transitions can be sluggish on older/cheaper mobile devices

Figuring out hybrid mobile apps

Hybrid mobile app development takes the best qualities from both native mobile apps and web-based solutions to create a powerful user experience. It installs and sits on your mobile device as a native app, but under the hood, it’s developed in HTML and JavaScript and runs on the mobile web browser. With minimal customizations, the same code can be wrapped for multiple device platforms (like iOS and Android). This wrapper can even give your app access to native device features, such as the camera.

instagram camera access screen hybrid app image

Pros of hybrid mobile apps

  • Access many native app features through the device
  • Re-use existing code for web-based components of the app (no need to reprogram everything you already have available on the web)

Cons of hybrid mobile apps

  • Can’t always use the native device hardware as efficiently as a native app
  • Some native functionality features may not be available through the wrapper, requiring extra code for each platform or device
  • Some platform-specific customizations can be costly
  • Requires app store approval

A new alternative: progressive web apps (PWAs)

The term progressive web app was first talked about in 2015, but PWAs didn’t start getting popular until 2018. Now, thanks to this great (and persistent) writer from Medium (and Google), we even have a working definition and guidelines about what makes PWAs different from web and native apps.

OK, so what is a progressive web app?

Google sums PWAs up in one paragraph: 

“Progressive Web Apps are experiences that combine the best of the web and the best of apps. They are useful to users from the very first visit in a browser tab, no install required. As the user progressively builds a relationship with the app over time, it becomes more and more powerful. It loads quickly, even on flaky networks, sends relevant push notifications, has an icon on the home screen, and loads as a top-level, full-screen experience.”

Essentially, PWAs are web apps… but better. They unify how apps work across all platforms and situations, combining the smooth, streamlined beauty and security of native apps with the flexibility of web apps. Visually, PWAs look like apps and feel like apps but run on any web browser and any platform. You can create a shortcut to the app right on your phone screen or desktop. Often this shortcut looks just like an app icon.

progressive web app shortcut on iphone home screen image

Progressive web app examples

Here are a few examples of some progressive web apps that you might be using every day. 

If you think PWAs sound too good to be true, relax. They’re just a sign that technology keeps getting better and better.

progressive web app on phone and computer screens image

Summing it up

With mobile devices continually on the rise—96% of Americans now own a cell phone—the need for businesses to consider tools and information solutions that work across both desktop and mobile only keep increasing. And times are changing. Mobile-only apps might be in the past, and progressive web  apps might be the future. 

To sum this post up—TL;DR—mobile app development might not be as hard as you think. And it might not just be limited to one platform or even just to mobile. The key is to think about exactly what you need and to talk with some people who know their stuff and can help you out. 

Today’s tech is pretty cool, and you’re no longer limited to download and install. Compare these different app options to your ideas and study them against the needs of your users. Then take time to ask yourself and your business the pivotal question, “Where do we want to go?”

What You Need to Know About 3D Animation for Training and Sales

At Maestro, we’re fascinated by making what our clients imagine become reality, and one of the most powerful tools we can leverage to make that happen is 3D animation. Each different type of 3D animation is capable of being used to create amazing training materials and sales collateral that are not only visually impressive, but more informative and impactful than alternative media options. 

Let’s review why 3D animation is such a great training and sales tool and look at some examples of how passive 3D, interactive 3D, and immersive 3D are used in training and sales collateral.

Why should I use 3D animation?

You may wonder why you should use 3D animation when 2D images and drawings have worked well enough so far. To start, well-crafted 3D animation can take a complicated concept, product, or process and make it easy to understand. It can deconstruct, highlight, slow down, speed up, and pause visuals to make sure a concept is clear. 3D animation elevates content in a more comprehensive and advanced way than photography.

We’ve noticed when talking with our partners before a project starts that many of them are unsure of when they should use 3D animation—some jump too quickly at the opportunity, while others are reluctant to go that direction. But the common denominator is that they simply don’t know what kind of 3D animation is best for their particular needs, timeline, scope, and budget.


Is Extended Reality a More Effective Way to Learn?

How is 3D animation used in training and sales?

Passive 3D is used in film and video

Passive 3D is the most accessible form of 3D animation and can be used in a variety of ways for training and sales—on its own, in an app, or as part of a motion graphics video. Watching a 3D video is an effective option for learning new material, and users can pause the video at any time to stop and absorb information, take a quiz or learning check, or start over if they need to spend more time with the material.

With 3D video, it’s also possible to make it interactive to increase its versatility. This can be done by taking the sequence of images and importing them into the native code in order to create a slider or drag/zoom interaction. This gives users the illusion of interactive 3D at a fraction of the cost of using a gaming engine like Unity or Unreal.

Passive 3D animation is best used for:

  • New product launches, especially as a tool to hype up your sales force
  • Explaining complex products in detail, highlighting unique processes, or showing an “under the hood” view of interactions or processes that aren’t easily visible
  • Creating a “WOW” piece to show potential clients while making product differentiators extremely clear

Interactive 3D is used in video games and augmented reality

Interactive 3D is the type of 3D animation used to create video games and augmented reality (AR) experiences. What makes interactive 3D so revolutionary is the first-person interactivity that it brings to the sales and training spaces—it puts the user in control and allows them to personalize the pace of the experience. One way you can incorporate interactive 3D into training and sales experiences is to create “tours.”

A “tour” could be a walkthrough of a new product that the user is getting to know or selling to a client, or it could be a literal tour of a physical space—such as a retail store, hospital, or even a cruise ship or resort—where the user does their job. In either case, the virtual environment is open, meaning the user can explore it as they wish, at their own pace.

Interactive 3D is best used for:

  • Environmental simulations that allow users to interact with the space in which they’ll be doing their jobs
  • Product simulations where users perform a task with a product
  • Detailed product animations that let users manipulate the view

Immersive 3D is used in virtual reality and mixed reality

There is a great amount of potential for using immersive 3D—namely, virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR)—in training and sales. With the advancements in medical tech alone, it’s easy to see the tremendous impact that VR and MR are going to have on every person across industries.

With training, we’re always trying to make the learning environment as close to real as possible, and VR and MR are perfect for this. Can you imagine performing a complex surgery—or more simply, even fixing a car—and getting step-by-step assistance from your glasses?

Professionals in all industries, ranging from mechanics to surgeons, are already starting to benefit from VR and MR, and the military has been actively exploring the use of VR in training for years now, using it for everything from flight and battlefield simulations to medical training.

Immersive 3D is best used for:

  • Detailed and action-oriented simulations
  • Complex informational training
  • Training customers on how to use a product

The limitless possibilities of 3D animation

The possibilities that exist for using all types of 3D animation are nearly limitless. But as much as we love 3D animation, we encourage our clients to explore other options before jumping straight to this solution. That’s not to say that 3D animation won’t be the best way to approach a given goal, but there are often other options that could be more beneficial to a situation or a better use of time and budget. However, the return on 3D animation is often tremendous.

Partnerships That Led to Powerful Results: Our Award-Winning Projects

We have exciting news! This year, two of the projects we developed alongside our partners received Gold Awards from the Brandon Hall Group.

What are Brandon Hall Awards?

Brandon Hall is a research and analyst firm that specializes in learning, development, and management. Each year, they accept submissions for the Brandon Hall Awards, which are designed to recognize work from companies across the globe who have developed technology that is both innovative and has achieved measurable results.

Technology that wins a Brandon Hall Award must address the business needs of a client or provide a solution for a problem in an industry. All of this must be accomplished while ensuring that the product is innovative, creative, and stands out from its competition.

Fortunately, we are committed to creating engaging solutions that are crafted to help our clients exceed the high standards and complex problems they face. Thanks to our dedication to our partnerships and the service mindset we foster at Maestro, we were lucky enough to take home two Gold Awards in the Excellence in Technology Program!

Why does it matter?

Bragging rights aren’t the reason we decided to submit our work to the Brandon Hall Awards. We believe that entering the products we’ve created with our partners in competitions like this is important for building our relationships with the companies we work with. Not only does winning awards help our partners get recognized for their innovation and achievements within their industries, but it allows both the hardworking teams at Maestro and at our partner organizations to share in each other’s success.

An up-close look at the winning projects

Learning technology with a different approach

The Cocktail Mixer Training Simulation we designed alongside our partner, Royal Caribbean, earned the Gold Award for the Best Advance in Gaming or Simulation Technology from the Brandon Hall Awards. We developed this product to help Royal Caribbean find a more effective way to train their employees. 

One learning challenge they faced was figuring out how to train their bartenders; providing adequate training for bartenders can be very costly, as practicing mixing drinks can cost the company an expensive amount of resources. At the same time, this training is incredibly important—mixing drinks incorrectly does not only hurt their taste, but may result in health risks if an incorrect amount of alcohol is poured. 

Together we were able to devise a solution: our Cocktail Mixer Training Simulation provides a risk-free digital platform through which bartenders can practice mixing drinks. This gamified approach to training creates a more engaging and experiential way for bartenders to learn, which results in improved employee retention.

Even more, our Simulation offers a learning strategy that is effective for a global workforce. Royal Caribbean’s employees hail from across the world, enriching their workforce with cultural and linguistic diversity. Because of this diversity, an ordinary, one-size-fits-all approach to learning would be problematic for our partner. That’s why our Cocktail Mixer Training Simulation was designed to work for a global audience; by combining an intuitive UI with the use of graphics instead of text, the Simulation is accessible for learners of all backgrounds.


How to Design Innovative Learning in the Life Science Industry

Compliance training refreshed

On top of receiving recognition for our Cocktail Mixer Training Simulation, our Healthcare Compliance Policy Handbook, which we adapted for our partner Celgene, won the Gold Award for the Best Advance in Learning Management Technology for Compliance Training from the Brandon Hall Awards—a mouthful of a title!

Prior to coming to us to work together on a learning solution, Celgene organized all of their compliance material in various PDFs across multiple platforms. This meant that when employees had a question about Celgene’s compliance policies, they had to navigate a vast amount of information that was scattered in many different places.

As many of us have experienced when trying to cook from a recipe we’ve lost, or when trying to assemble a child’s Christmas present using a lengthy instruction book, when we can’t locate information quickly we tend to give up searching and act based on our best guess. While in these examples the consequences of this behavior would be small, in the medical field, “guessing” could result in serious consequences for our partner. 

Our Healthcare Compliance Policy Handbook helped Celgene compile all of its compliance policy information into a single, more accessible Handbook. Combined with an impeccable UX and UI, our Handbook reduced the time it took for Celgene’s employees to locate compliance policies to just seconds. Because of this, the Handbook became a risk-management tool for our partner, as it helped Celgene increase the likelihood that its employees were informed of the compliance regulations they faced, reducing their risk of legal penalties.

What this means for you

We’re honored to have been recognized for our hard work and innovative learning solutions with two Brandon Hall Awards, and even more grateful to share this win with our partners. We believe that this success demonstrates what is possible when you collaborate with a partner who can harness cutting-edge technology and design to create learning solutions that are the right fit.

Is It Time for Your Organization to Get Started with eLearning?

With eLearning taking center stage as one of the hottest tech trends in business, it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement. But eLearning isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, and there’s still a time and place for ILT (instructor-led training). 

That said, eLearning does have quite a bit to offer to organizations interested in a more flexible, efficient way to train. So, when is eLearning the right solution—and how do you move existing ILT to a digital format? ​

Moving from ILT to eLearning is a commitment, but with the right strategy and preparation, a successful transition is possible. Here’s your guide to getting started with eLearning.

The case for eLearning

First, let’s start with the basics: what is eLearning? eLearning is technology-based training that replaces or supplements traditional classroom learning. Instead of instructor-led training, eLearning puts the learner in the driver’s seat to learn when and where they want. 

eLearning offers plenty of benefits for organizations, particularly in the following three areas:


eLearning gives learners the flexibility to study when and where it’s convenient for them. Because there are multiple formats available, learners can access content from an LMS, a mobile app, or an online course on desktop. While ILT is usually constrained by time and space, eLearning has seemingly endless accessibility.

That’s not to say you can’t deliver time-constrained content via eLearning. Compliance training and other required learning is often more engaging in digital format. You can motivate learners and boost engagement by delivering otherwise monotonous information through games, interactions, visualizations, and simulations that are more memorable for learners.  


The design of eLearning is part of what makes it such a flexible format for learners. Attentive learning design makes it so that courses are screen-flexible, which means that learners can move from a work desktop to a personal phone without missing a beat

Likewise, eLearning is designed to provide continuous learning and performance support. When you have material that you want learners to be able to access when and where they need it, eLearning is usually the right fit. 


How are you measuring comprehension and retention for ILT? eLearning offers in-depth data and analytics for assessing knowledge and evaluating training effectiveness. Digital learning also offers more opportunity to administer assessments, track scores, and keep tabs on learning progress. With a deeper understanding of individual strengths and weaknesses from that data, you can identify gaps and deliver highly-targeted training.

Ready to start shifting some of your ILT to eLearning? Here’s what you should know about getting started with eLearning.

5 steps for getting started with eLearning

1. Inventory your ILT

The first step to get started with eLearning is auditing your current learning material. Conduct an inventory of your materials and pull in everything currently being used. We’re talking PowerPoints, workbooks, pdfs, handouts, and reading material. 

Review those materials to fully understand what learning is being used, who’s using it, and how people are using it. You should also consider how long different materials are relevant and for what duration they’re being used. By the end of your audit, you’ll have a better grasp on the current landscape of your training material.

2. Evaluate learning content

Once you have an idea of the training content that exists, start evaluating if it’s working. We know this isn’t as easy as writing that previous sentence, so lean on your instructors and trainers for support. After all, they know the material best and can share valuable information about how they present and deliver material. Consider attending a class to see how the training plays out in real time. Have a conversation with current learners to find out what’s working and what’s not. 

It’s also important to consider if all of your current learning material is still relevant. Is the information up-to-date? Is it being taught consistently across your organization? Is there a better way to deliver it? 

This is a time to explore the different learning formats that are possible with eLearning. What would happen if you reimagined existing content into an interactive course, a short video, or a game? There are all kinds of ways to engage learners today—like text, animated interactions, branching scenarios, videos, and assessments—and research suggests that eLearning is a more effective, engaging way to learn


How to Execute Project Management for eLearning

3. Find an eLearning partner

Feeling overwhelmed by the vast possibilities of the digital frontier? You’re not alone! While the transition to eLearning is exciting, it’s also a complex undertaking. That’s why many organizations turn to an eLearning partner to lead the restructuring of learning content to get started with eLearning.

Successfully switching learning formats requires, at a minimum, a fantastic graphic designer and a top-notch instructional designer. Depending on the complexity of your project, you might also decide to engage a team that has media and software professionals on hand. Basically, look for an experienced partner who eats, sleeps, and breathes eLearning and technology. In the end, it’ll cut down on costly outsourcing and lead to a smoother, more seamless transition.

4. Overhaul your learning program

Good news: if you’ve made it this far, you’ve likely passed the baton into the hands of highly-qualified professionals. At this point, they’ll take the information you gathered during the audit and evaluation to overhaul your learning program. 

But your job is not over yet—your learning partners should be updating you regularly and soliciting feedback. Many developers follow an agile design strategy, which allows you to track progress and provide feedback on a daily basis. Now that’s true partnership.

5. Incorporate learning analytics

Remember those eLearning analytics we mentioned earlier? Before your learning overhaul is complete, make sure you set up a detailed, user-friendly analytics system. Think about what kind of data will be most useful to your admins and the easiest system for them to access it. Some of the most useful eLearning analytics are around learner engagement, long-term retention, and individual progress. Plus, analytics are often your most effective tool in convincing higher-ups that you need more learning updates in the future—you can’t argue with cold, hard facts.

Updating your learning is a lot of hard work, but the returns are impressive. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the task, get in touch with a learning partner and find out how they can help. It’s all about figuring out what’s right for you and your people, and often, it takes a village. But if you follow the five steps we’ve covered here and maintain a learner-centric attitude, you’re bound to get great results.

How to Design Innovative Learning in the Life Science Industry

As part of the life science industry, you create cutting-edge innovations in the medical space. And your work is incredibly important. Because you’re not just innovating for innovation’s sake—you’re innovating to save lives. 

So with life-saving technology and new medical solutions on the line, your employees need great training to do their jobs well. And the learning in the life science industry they receive should reflect that—innovative, usable, and effective.

Innovative learning in the life science industry that inspires real change

The life science industry is fast-paced and competitive. Even the smallest problems can cause lasting effects. That’s why it’s so important to teach your employees exactly what they need to know. And to do it quickly and efficiently. 

This type of innovative learning in the life science industry involves two key facets:

  • Strategic content
  • Beautiful, usable design

Why strategic content? 

Always base your learning content on a solid strategy. Strategy helps you communicate exactly what your learners need to know—and do it in the best way possible. This could be eLearning courses, ILT, media, and video. Maybe even AR or VR. Great strategy looks at your learners and the content. Then distills both into the perfect learning solution. 

Why beautiful design?

When you go to an important business meeting, you dress nicely. This makes you feel confident and shows respect—both to yourself and the person you’re meeting with. Dressing well increases your credibility. Often, people will be more likely to take you seriously, and you’re probably more likely to take yourself seriously.

Learning design is no different. When you design high-quality learning, it shows respect to both your company and your learners. Learners see well-designed (beautiful) learning as more credible. And this often means that they’ll be more likely to take their learning seriously. This mindset increases both engagement and retention.

Empowering learners in the life science industry

Here at Maestro, we help life science companies (and their employees) perform beautifully. Our teams work together to solve learning challenges with content, software, and media.

Check out some projects we’ve done with Celgene, Johnson & Johnson, Exact Sciences, and more. 

Creating a digital library—Celgene (Bristol-Myers Squibb)

Celgene is a growing global biopharmaceutical company, recently acquired by Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS). They research, develop, and create a variety of products that combat serious diseases, from pancreatic cancer to acute myeloid leukemia. 

The problem

As part of the medical industry, Celgene must follow many different regulations. These regulations and policies help prevent unethical practices. And violations could potentially result in costly lawsuits for the company. But these policies change and update often, leaving Celgene scrambling to keep their reps updated. PDFs proved too difficult to track, update, and keep current. 

So, Celgene requested a new solution. One that would keep all employees up-to-date on the latest regulations and compliance policies. All the time. 

The solution

To solve the problem, our strategists and designers sat down with Celgene to discover the ins-and-outs of all their needs. Celgene wanted a platform-agnostic solution. One that was quick to access, easy to use, and simple to keep updated.

So, we created the Digital Compliance Policy Handbook, a digital library of compliance policies. With impeccable UX and a crisp, streamlined appearance, the library is well-organized, searchable, and easy to navigate. This helps Celgene’s employees quickly find any compliance materials they need in seconds—on any device.

celgene digital compliance policy handbook image

The numbers

  • 100% user adoption
  • 45,000 page views to date
  • 1 minute, 8 second average view time

Non-traditional learning in a whole new way—Johnson & Johnson

As one of the largest multinational medical corporations in the world, Johnson & Johnson (J&J) invests immense time and effort into developing medical technologies. From Ebola vaccines to 3D printing, J&J pushes the limits of innovation to create change. 

The problem

In 2018, J&J came to us with a problem. They wanted to educate employees on the benefits of 3D printing. Especially about how 3D printing decreases costs and increases personalization in healthcare. 

But normal, everyday education wasn’t enough. J&J wanted non-traditional learning that would communicate an emotional message. They wanted learning that would resonate. Sound simple? With over 130,000 global employees and a technical subject, this meant taking a completely different approach to learning. 

The solution

To balance J&J’s desire for interactive learning with a technical subject, we created a vertical scrolling experience. The experience used sophisticated design to reflect the innovative and sophisticated subject matter. The scrolling action keeps the learner moving through relevant information at their own pace. And each interaction gives them the choice to opt into more technical details if they wanted. 

The instructional designers divided the content into two different levels: macro and micro. 

  • Macro content: this includes all high-level information about 3D printing. It’s relevant to everyone, company-wide. Topics include defining 3D printing and showing real-world examples. Macro content forms the core of the experience. 
  • Micro content: this delves into the complicated, technical details. It’s relevant only to people with expertise or interest in technical subjects. Learners can opt into this content if interested.

Together with J&J, we used storytelling principles to build an emotional connection to the learners. Then we supported this with media assets, such as photography and live-action video. This approach emphasized 3D printing as an instrument that brings positive change to people’s lives—every day.

johnson & johnson vertical scrolling experience image

Seamless learning for reps on the move—Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)

Janssen is a global pharmaceutical company with a large, geographically dispersed sales team. They work with Johnson & Johnson to research and treat some of the most complex diseases of our time.

The problem

At Janssen, independent teams manage different products, and this led to a disconnect with product training for reps. In fact, reps had to search over twelve different systems for training. This got so frustrating for the reps that if they couldn’t find the training they needed quickly, often they wouldn’t take the training at all. 

Janssen wanted a change, so they met up with us. The challenge? To develop a solution that got reps all the product training they needed—in one super-simple step.

The solution

Together with Janssen, the Maestro software team stepped up to create an app—YouLearn—that removed the friction between reps and product training. YouLearn merged solid training content with innovative technology. And in only a short amount of time, it became a seamless, one-stop-shop for rep training in the field. Janssen reps immediately saw a boost in their sales abilities and numbers. In turn, this triggered a cycle of improved performance.

After adopting YouLearn, Janssen reached the highest learning engagement rate in company history. They saw incredible numbers company-wide within the first quarter of implementation. In 2016, YouLearn won the Life Science and Educators Network (LTEN) Excellence Award for Innovation. 

First-quarter numbers

  • 40,000+ content views
  • 200,000+ in app minutes
  • 4,000+ assignments
janssen youlearn image

How to Be Effective When Training in Today's Learning Culture

Innovative learning for medical technology—Abbott

With over 100,000 employees in over 160 countries, Abbott is a world-changer in the medical space. Abbott works to help people live their best lives, from diagnostics and medical devices to pharmaceuticals. And this means developing comprehensive training for their myriad of products.

The problem

Abbott Cardiovascular’s reps support staff training at countless clinics and hospitals. The goal is to train clinicians on Abbott’s cardiovascular devices before using them. (That’s kinda important, right?) But Abbott faced the problem of a stale LMS and a stiff, impersonal workflow. This didn’t offer many incentives for clinicians to learn about Abbott’s products. Much less learn how to use them.

To solve this, Abbott came to us with a challenge. Create easy and trackable med-device training for clinicians interested in their products.

The solution

To keep things simple for current (and future) Abbott customers, we built the training application off of an Abbott site. The flexible system lets users check out products whenever they want—and tailor the workflow to their schedules. All while being easy to access.

Developing new learning from the ground up—Exact Sciences

Exact Sciences develops solutions that help detect cancer and guide and track treatment. Their main (and most innovative) product is Cologuard, a stool-based alternative to colonoscopy that tests DNA.

The problem

As a revolutionary new product, Cologuard faced breaking into a completely unaware market. Reps needed to do more than simply create awareness, they needed to give doctors a reason to change. This meant convincing doctors that Colorguard is a viable screening method for colorectal cancer (CRC). 

To make this happen, Exact Sciences asked us to do two things: 

  • Collect Cologuard best practices from sales reps, managers, and trainers across the nation
  • Build a scalable, self-driven curriculum that trained reps up to a high level of skill

The solution

So, we got started. Our team went through the week-long onboarding for Cologuard sales reps to get fully immersed in the material, tensions, and motivations of the audience. After becoming “certified,” we interviewed established sales reps, managers, and trainers to better understand their struggles, successes, and experiences in the field. The onboarding and interviews became an important strategic foundation for everything that followed. 

We worked with Exact Sciences to design a learning curriculum based on a “Learn, Practice, Perform” methodology. This method asks reps to learn new skills, practice them in a controlled environment, and then apply those skills in the real world. It also encourages the reps to reflect on both their struggles and successes.

cologuard image

Bringing consistency to innovative learning—CSL

CSL is a global plasma collection and pharmaceutical company. They use collected plasma to research and create life-saving medications and treatments.

The problem

The arm preparation and plasma draw procedure is highly technical. This makes it tough to simulate without practice on dummies or real patients.

CSL wanted to train phlebotomists on draw consistency. But they wanted to avoid managerial oversight or reducing practice time before practicals. This meant simulating a technical skill in a digital environment, built to be as real as possible.

The solution

To solve this challenge, we created a custom eLearning course that simulated key steps of the arm prep procedure. With 3D anatomy and interactive elements, the course teaches the learner about the role, anatomy, and procedure. Then, the course asks learners to conduct the arm prep procedure from start to finish on a 3D model.

Because learners view the course on tablets, they can use styluses in the shape of swabs. This helps them learn accurate swabbing patterns—a key challenge for phlebotomist compliance.

csl phlebotomy course image

Ready to help your life science learners perform beautifully? 

Just like Johnson & Johnson, Celgene, and all the others, you’re committed to doing big things. And giving your people strategic, beautifully designed learning in the life science industry is another step toward empowering your impact.

And don’t feel overwhelmed! You’re not in this alone. Together with a great partner, you can create the learning in the life science industry that you and your learners deserve. 

See what you can do

eLearning refresh

Empower learners with the latest technology, content, and designs


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How to Effectively Complete a Knowledge Transfer Plan

When an important member of your team decides to leave, one of your most urgent priorities is knowledge transfer. You know the feeling: this team member possesses critical knowledge, and if that information leaves with them, the repercussions will be felt throughout the organization. For many, the departure of a critical employee triggers a scramble of meetings to capture as much knowledge as possible before they go.

If that scenario sounds familiar, you’re not alone: many organizations struggle to formalize knowledge transfer processes before the point of departure. But even beyond employee exits, there are plenty of reasons to develop a knowledge transfer strategy. Consider how a strong knowledge sharing process might impact your onboarding and intern programs, or employees transferring to a new role. 

A knowledge transfer program gives you a strong foundation for growing and developing team members and streamlining personnel changes. And the good news is that it doesn’t have to be complicated: a solid, step-by-step strategy is all you need to gather knowledge and transfer it to those who need it. 

It’s time to formalize your knowledge transfer process—here’s how to execute an effective knowledge transfer plan.

What is knowledge transfer? 

Let’s start with a quick 101: knowledge transfer is a systematic and purposeful strategy for capturing critical knowledge from key personnel to store and share within an organization for maximum efficiency. Maximum efficiency is just a fancy way of saying that your organization will get a gold star in key people processes like:

  • Supporting a current employee as they transition to a new role within the organization
  • Shortening ramp-up times for new hires or interns in their roles
  • Ensuring that key knowledge from a departing employee is stored and shared with future team members

In order to achieve those outcomes, it’s important to set clear goals for your knowledge transfer plan from the outset. These goals will help guide the process and avoid any duplication and frustration that could send your plan off course.

Here are a few questions to consider as you set goals for knowledge transfer:

  • In what areas or positions do you face the most potential knowledge loss? Who are the key people that possess this knowledge? 
  • How much knowledge needs to be captured? What information is critical and what can be learned in other ways? 
  • How will critical knowledge be captured and transferred to those who need it? Develop a plan of action based on the goals you’ve identified above.

What to include in knowledge transfer

Knowledge transfer is about more than preparing for a key employee’s eventual departure. Instead, it’s about creating a proactive plan for sharing knowledge today in order to build a more collaborative, aligned and informed workforce. 

With that in mind, it’s easy to see why the traditional one-hour exit interview or water cooler debriefing no longer suffices as effective knowledge transfer. Instead, it is a purposeful and ongoing strategy with measurable results. 

When it comes to learning, you’ll often hear about two kinds of knowledge: tacit and explicit. Both types of knowledge are involved in knowledge transfer plans, so let’s break down what each type means:

Tacit knowledge vs. explicit knowledge

Explicit knowledge is knowledge that is easily shared and transferred through writing or speaking. It is information that can easily be picked up from talking to someone, reading a book, or looking something up online.

Tacit knowledge is knowledge that is hard to transfer or pass along through writing or verbalization. It is developed through a person’s experiences, observations, and insights, and it requires shared activities to transfer or impart that knowledge. 

While both types of knowledge play a role in knowledge transfer, the most important (and difficult!) type to capture is tacit knowledge, because it requires more effort and interaction to acquire.

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How to execute a knowledge transfer plan

The knowledge transfer process can be daunting at first. There’s usually quite a bit of information to capture, and plenty of questions about the best way to go about doing that. Knowing where to start when developing a knowledge transfer process is essential.

An effective knowledge transfer process usually looks something like this:

  1. Identify from whom in the organization you need to gather knowledge
  2. Have them share that information in a way that you can capture
  3. Execute the transfer
  4. Measure and evaluate the knowledge transferred

We promised a solid, step-by-step strategy, so let’s dive a bit deeper into each element of a knowledge transfer plan:

1. Identify the knowledge that you need to gather

This is the first phase of the process, and arguably the most important. Here, you’ll need to determine from whom you’re collecting knowledge and what information you need to capture.

Start by asking yourself a few questions:

  • Who are the “go-to” people in the organization?
  • What do only they know how to do?
  • If they left today, would anyone know how to do what they do?
  • When they’re away, what tasks pile up because only they know how to do it?
  • What does the team rely on them for?

Once you’ve answered these questions, you should have come up with a list of names and the activities and tasks you need to learn more about. Now it’s time to capture that knowledge and share and store it efficiently.

2. Obtain the necessary knowledge

Remember: just say no to the hours-long information dump. We’re going to get more creative here than simply conducting a one-time interview to capture knowledge. Instead, you want to create a sustainable system for mapping out the knowledge in your organization, then filling in the captured knowledge accordingly. 

For example, you could start to capture knowledge and organize it by building a matrix or spreadsheet that breaks down the following information:

  • The individual from whom you are collecting knowledge
  • The critical tasks this individual oversees and their importance level
  • The availability of this information (i.e., does anyone else in the organization know or have access to it?)
  • The impact level of others not having this information causes
  • The resources that are needed to share the information with others

If spreadsheets aren’t your thing, there’s now plenty of technology to support capturing and sharing large amounts of information. Once you’ve gathered and stored all of the information, it’s time to choose the most effective, efficient delivery method for your organization and goals.

3. Execute and share the knowledge transfer plan

Easier said than done, right? Sure, but if you’re following a step-by-step approach, this part will be simpler than you think. This step is all about sharing the right information with the right people, the right way. There are several knowledge transfer methods that are pretty universally viewed as best practices, often used in combination with one another. 

Here are some effective ways to knowledge transfer within your organization:


Short or long-term mentorship is an effective way to disseminate information between two people. Mentorship is particularly effective in transferring tacit knowledge from the person whose knowledge you’re capturing and the individual who needs to learn it. 

Guided experience

Use guided experience when there is a hands-on element required for certain job functions and activities. The person with first-hand knowledge works to share and show it to the individual who is learning the function.


Who says virtual reality is just for gamers? Simulation is now a staple in organizational training, and knowledge transfer is no exception. We’ve created simulated training experiences ourselves: from 3D animations to immersive virtual and augmented reality training experiences, modern technology provides hands-on experience in a controlled environment.

Work shadowing

Similar to mentoring, work shadowing asks the individual acquiring the knowledge to shadow the person who has the knowledge. This is an observation-based method that has learners experience the functions and activities of the role and learn the ropes through observation.

Paired work

Paired work puts together two employees who are both learning a new function or activity. It allows them to work back and forth to bounce ideas off of one another and practice learning together. Often, these pairs will be working off of shared explicit knowledge to learn tacit knowledge together through trial and error.

Community of practice

Communities of practice cut across traditional organizational boundaries and include people who do not share the same job function, but overlap in a particular area of interest. These collaborative learning groups allow individuals to share knowledge over a longer period of time and exchange information with one another. Traditionally, these groups met in person, but now many communities of practice have migrated to digital platforms, like social media platforms (think Facebook groups) or digital workplace collaboration tools (think Slack).

eLearning and instructor-led training

When you need to transfer knowledge to a larger group of people, designing an eLearning or instructor-led course is a more efficient and standardized approach. eLearning removes traditional communication barriers and creates an on-demand resource for employees to access at their moment of need. Over time, eLearning courses will build a knowledge bank for your organization that houses key processes and information. 

For skills that benefit from a face-to-face approach, instructor-led training (ILT) allows you to reach many individuals at once without sacrificing the human element.

4. Measure and evaluate

What does a successful knowledge transfer plan look like? Because each organization’s goals are unique, there’s no universal benchmark that indicates success. One organization might be completing a knowledge transfer because a majority of their workforce will be retiring in the next five years. Another might be starting an internship program and looking to build a comprehensive onboarding packet for new interns.

While there’s no magic formula for measuring the success of your knowledge transfer plan, you can start by returning to the original goals you set for the program. Did you meet the goals you set out to achieve? Evaluating and measuring the knowledge transfer process against your goals will quickly illuminate any gaps and allow for a shift in the plan moving forward. Remember that reviewing the effectiveness of knowledge transfer practices is a continuous endeavor, and you’ll revise and evolve it as your organization grows over time. 

Whether you’re looking to build an up-to-date knowledge repository or shorten ramp-up time for new hires, a strong knowledge transfer strategy is your secret to success. It requires time and preparation to get it right, but the resulting strategy will give everyone in your organization access to a wealth of knowledge for years to come.

5 Bad Learning Habits You Need to Leave in 2019

Every New Year, millions of people make resolutions to kick their bad habits. They swear off biting their nails, eating junk food, or even spending large amounts of time on their phones. We’re proposing that in 2020, the learning industry should take a hint from this American tradition and kick some bad habits of its own. We sat down with our Learning team leads to discuss the five trends in learning which they believe should expire in the new decade:

  1. Blah design
  2. Boring courses
  3. Info dump
  4. Unbranded courses
  5. Using eLearning as an easy fix

Why it’s past time to kick blah design

Poorly designed eLearning courses fail to generate engagement and don’t result in great learning. Courses that aren’t visually interesting can also create negative feelings toward your brand. Despite this, many companies still write learning courses that only focus on content and fail to prioritize design. But when design is lacking, it won’t matter how good the content is—learners won’t remember it anyways. 

Design matters so much because of user experience (UX). Blah design means a disconnect in UX, as learners will find poorly designed courses difficult to navigate, confusing, and inaccessible. When courses lack focus on UX design, the learner’s cognitive capacity for learning is limited as they must deal with the cognitive overload caused by the poor design. This means their engagement decreases and learning diminishes. 

As Amy, our design team leader, eloquently summarizes, “Layout and design must be a priority,” of any course in order to successfully foster learning.

Give boring courses the boot

Learning courses that consist of mundane presentations, cheesy messages, and voiceover that drones on and on need to be put to rest. These kinds of courses are deeply unengaging to learners, who stop paying attention and fail to learn

Although presentations and voice over courses may be quick and easy to create, they aren’t effective. Boring courses don’t stimulate the engagement that is necessary for learning.

Even more, these forms can be less accessible for your learners and potentially even more expensive if you look at ROI. For example, if your learning course is an ILT presentation, you first must hire these individuals to conduct your training. Then as your company grows, you hire more employees and need to train them in a variety of locations—increasing ILT costs. 

Creating a custom-made, innovative, and engaging eLearning course is a solution that easily scales with company growth, reduces overhead costs, and increases your learning ROI.


4 Reasons Why Outdated eLearning Is a Hazard

Why you should dump those info dumps

Another bad habit of learning courses is to bury learners in an avalanche of information. Creating a course that encompasses enormous amounts of information is known as info dump. Info dumps overwhelm learners and prevent learning from occurring. 

When learning courses have too much information (TMI), they present learners with too heavy of a cognitive load. This limits their capacity to learn because it’s impossible for learners to absorb all of the information thrown at them.

A more practical solution is to create courses that break information up into chunks. These courses are learner-centric, tailored to our short attention spans, and our limited capacity to absorb information. Instead of TMI, try breaking the information into chapters and adding engaging elements such as video, interactions, and storytelling. 

How unbranded courses cause disconnect

While off-the-shelf learning courses may appear cheap and quick to put together, these courses don’t have the advantage of being customized to fit your brand. Branded eLearning courses (learning customized to your brand) come with many benefits. 

Creating branded learning helps employees get to know your company’s culture, values, and goals. Branding learning also helps to build a relationship between your employees and your company during training, as they will see and understand how their role fits into the larger picture of the organization.

Unbranded courses are less impactful and fail to generate this connection between your employees and your company. Developing learning that is tailored to your brand will help increase learning and give your employees a better understanding of their roles, as well as what your company stands for.

Why you should avoid using eLearning as an easy fix

The last bad learning habit that needs to end before 2020 involves turning to learning as a quick and easy solution for performance problems, especially when it might not be the right answer. eLearning is an incredibly useful tool, but that doesn’t mean it’s the answer to every job performance problem.

For example, the solution you need might be something more along the lines of a performance support tool (PST). PSTs are assets designed to provide immediate, quick assistance to workers to apply skills and execute their jobs. They are highly user-friendly, convenient, and come in a variety of formats—pdf, app, etc.. For example, if you own a manufacturing plant and your employees are struggling to operate a new type of machinery, having a PST that they can access on their mobile device might be the right answer for you. 

Overall, it’s important to research and listen to your employees before developing a learning course. “Don’t take learning as the easy answer,” Sebastian, our content team lead, says. Make sure you know how and why your workers are struggling in their roles before you choose a solution to address the problem you are facing.

Start your learning right in 2020

From bad design to learning dumps, there’s a lot of learning trends that are past their expiration date. As we enter the new year, it’s time to leave them behind. Don’t wait until next year to kick your bad habits—start creating effective learning now.

How to Save Your Company from the Danger of Turnover

While most define cost by the number written on a price tag, economists say that a truer measure of an item’s price is its opportunity cost. Opportunity cost accounts not just for an item’s market price, but includes the value of what must be given up in order to make that purchase. For example, the true price of going to college encompasses not just the already high costs of tuition, housing, and books, but also the value of the salary you would’ve earned if you had decided to go straight to work.

Many employees consider opportunity costs when deciding whether or not to leave their jobs. In order for workers to decide to remain in their positions, they must feel that their current job outweighs their next-best options. Countless organizations have high employee turnover rates because they fail to make their employees feel this way. In fact, 2 out of 3 millennials report that they want to leave their companies by 2020. Failing to retain these employees drains precious company time and resources. Fortunately, there’s a solution.

What’s behind high rates of turnover?

One major reason why employees, especially millennials and top hires, leave their positions is because they are dissatisfied with their professional development opportunities. The Harvard Business Review published that many companies have high turnover rates because their employees feel “they’re not getting much in the way of formal development, such as training, mentoring, and coaching.” 

Employees desire development opportunities because they are seeking to better themselves as professionals and further their careers. If they see no opportunity for improving their skills in the workplace, they will leave their position for a job where this growth is offered.


3 Helpful Questions You Should Ask about Your Learners

Why organizations neglect development

While the impact and importance of a good employee training program is clear, organizations often neglect their employee development planning because they feel that it’s too costly and time consuming. However, because of a loss of human capital, the most important resource of any organization, it might actually be more expensive for companies to forgo employee development than to direct resources toward it. 

This cost of losing valuable employees is made even worse by the fact that for every worker that leaves, the organization has to return to the hiring process. The recruitment of new talent can be lengthy and intensive. While this recruitment is ongoing, other employees may have to push some of their own responsibilities to the side in order to pick up some of the slack created by the unfilled position. 

Even after finding an employee with the right fit, the onboarding process must be repeated. In the end, studies have found that the cost of losing just one employee can total $15,000. And that’s just for a worker who earns the median salary. Ultimately, high turnover rates pose great costs to companies both through the loss of a valuable employee and the cost of finding a replacement. 

Learning is the answer

But luckily, there is an answer. Implementing a top-notch learning strategy can provide the professional development and growth opportunities that hirees desire, helping to lower turnover rates and save company resources. 

In fact, the development of learning programs has been found to lead to a reduction in turnover as well as an increase in employee satisfaction. Implementing a learning strategy causes employees to be 43% more likely to remain in their positions. Learning programs have also been found to help attract and retain top hirees across industries. Even more, the implementation of learning programs increases employee productivity. 

Still, not just any learning program will be able to have this impact. In order to achieve these results, it’s important to develop a learning strategy that harnesses the power of technology and design, and that is hand-crafted to fulfill the needs of your learners. If you’re worried about creating a learning strategy that will meet your business goals, consider working with an experienced learning partner who can guide you through the process. 

Why learning works

Good learning improves employee retention and productivity because great learning programs grow and develop employees so that they feel more confident in their roles and better understand their responsibilities. When employees lack confidence due to unsatisfactory training, they are overwhelmed and do not feel motivated to perform. Offering comprehensive training through learning gives employees the reassurance they need and fosters commitment. 

Furthermore, learning offers an opportunity for growth that cultivates employee loyalty. Having good training shows employees that they can develop as professionals and advance their careers through remaining at the company, giving them a reason to stay. 

The benefits of developing a learning strategy far outweigh the costs. As learning presents an opportunity to reduce turnover while simultaneously saving time and money through increased productivity, it offers a seriously high ROI. 

If you’re worried about employee retention at your company, make sure your employees know how much you value them by providing the professional development that they desire. Implement training programs that offer an opportunity for growth that can’t be found anywhere else. Don’t let your most important resource go—start investing in learning.